Save Elm Thicket Makes the News Again, Links Below
Our fight to Save Elm Thicket is in the news again today. It is just a teaser but an in depth story on our neighborhood will run in October.
Here is the teaser:
Yesterday, an editorial written by Elm Thicket's own Dr. Myrna Dartson was published on If you have not read it please do so. It is a sensational piece and sums up why we want to #SaveElmThicket.
The link to the editorial is below.
We'll be in touch with more information about our zoning case and how you can help #SaveElmThicket
Opinion Piece Supporting Saving Elm Thicket Published on Real Estate Website!
Elm Thicket is so thankful to Dr. Myrna Dartson for writing such an incredible opinion piece that answers the question the developers posed when they tried to shame the home of one of our legacy residents.
Please read the column and share it with our neighbors who may not have access to the internet. Let's spread the word on this because it is too good to keep to ourselves.
Great Meeting, Make Sure to Join the Neighborhood Association
Save Elm Thicket had a great meeting yesterday, Sept. 4. We shared a lot of good and important information with our neighbors about where we are in the rezoning process and what we our plans are for getting these rezoning changes approved. If you weren’t able to attend, don’t worry. We are in the process of scheduling another meeting for Saturday, Sept. 11. We are finalizing the place and time. We will let you all know ASAP when we have it nailed down.
Now is the time to start writing letters to our City Plan Commissioner Joanna Hampton. We have a letter you can use or you can write your own. Just make sure that you say you are in favor of the proposed rezoning and that you want them to extend all the way to Lovers Lane. If you’d like to use our letter, please drop us an email at You can email or snail mail your letter Commissioner Hampton at: Joanna Hampton, D2 City Plan Commissioner, 1500 Marilla Street, 5BN Dallas, Texas 75201 or
Along with ensuring that all of our neighbors that are in favor of the proposed rezoning have their voices heard, SET is also dedicated toward supporting our neighborhood association. The neighborhood association leadership is under constant attack and criticism from the developers/builders who also live in our neighborhood and are members of the association. The builders and developers have gone so far as to slander the leadership by saying they are stealing money to buy our IN FAVOR signs. We all know that’s a big, fat lie. WE, the Save Elm Thicket neighbors, donated that money to buy those signs and we have the receipts!
So here’s what we need: everyone needs to join the Elm Thicket/Northpark Neighborhood Association. By our count, SET has helped bring in about 60 -70 new members. Unless you want our neighborhood to be called Inwood Park or some other stupid name that doesn’t have anything to do with the history of our neighborhood then join the ETNP neighborhood association. You can find the application to join the neighborhood association here. When you sign up, tell them SET sent you and then let us know you’ve joined.
We have In Favor yard signs
We have great news everybody. We have more Save Elm Thicket yard signs. If you do have a sign and would like one please send us an email at One of our volunteers will get one delivered to your house.
We had a sensational turn out to the community meeting. There were about 30 SET neighbors who spoke in favor of the proposed rezoning. We had more who did not speak so we are doing very well in communicating with each other and keeping each other informed. That is what great neighbors do when we are all working to save the history and character of our neighborhood.
SET has added two additional pages to our website. There's the Gallery page which is a photo history of what we've all been doing to save our neighborhood. The other page is called Endangered Trees. Those are beautiful, old trees sitting on vacant lots. We hope they continue to age but that will be up to the builders. If there is an empty lot near your home with a beautiful tree please take a picture and email it to us with the address and the name of the builder. We'll post it along with the others.
Lastly, please be aware of anyone knocking on your door and telling you lies about things that may happen if the proposed rezoning passes. More than likely they are trying to scare you into selling your property by telling you lies. That happened last week and our communication tree worked like a dream. If someone should knock on your door and tell you that you need to sell before the proposed rezoning passes please get their name or business card or as much information as possible before you tell that devil to get off your property because you will take no less than $5 million. Then please share that information with us at
We Save Elm Thicket by keeping each other informed and watching out for one another.
Save Elm Thicket Makes the News!!!
The struggle to save our historic neighborhood made Channel 8 news tonight. Now begins phase 2 of our effort to Save Elm Thicket.
We had a successful community meeting Saturday with more than 30 Save Elm Thicket neighbors speaking in favor of the proposed zoning changes. Those 30 who spoke for Save Elm Thicket did not include the more than 30 seniors who went to the recreation center to watch the meeting and didn't feel comfortable speaking.
We are strong and getting stronger every day thanks to everyone doing their part to save our neighborhood. We will be announcing our next group meeting by this weekend so we can get everyone who wants to Save Elm Thicket up to speed with what comes next.
Thank you all for the support. We are all Save Elm Thicket staff members.
The link to the news story is here:
Elm Thicket/Northpark Churches All In Favor of Proposed Zoning Changes
All nine churches located in the Elm Thicket/Northpark neighborhood are in favor of the proposed zoning changes that will limit the type of homes that can be built. Save Elm Thicket is looking forward to working with our religious leaders to help their congregations have their voices heard by city leaders.
As we all know, people from around the city come to our local churches for services. The support Save Elm Thicket is receiving from around the city is overwhelming. People are learning about our plight against the developers who live in our neighborhood and they are with us in trying to save our historically African-American neighborhood.
Please plan on attending the community meeting to be held Saturday, Aug. 21, 2021 at 10 a.m. This will be a virtual meeting. The link to attend is:
Elm Thicket/Northpark needs you to attend and Elm Thicket/Northpark needs your voice.
For our senior citizens and people without internet service, the City of Dallas will broadcast the meeting at the K.B. Polk Recreation Center. Save Elm Thicket will be offering rides to those who want to tell our plan commissioner and city councilman that they are in favor of the proposed zoning change.
Please email us at or call Sonya McHenry at 610-306-9233 or Eric McHenry at 214-226-5699. Volunteers will drop you off at home after the meeting.
Save Elm Thicket Flyers Being Distributed this Weekend
Thank you to multitude of Save Elm Thicket volunteers who have started distributing flyers to all those neighbors who are in favor of Saving Elm Thicket. The flyers provide information on the upcoming community meeting regarding the proposed zoning changes. They are multi-colored so you can't miss them. The flyers are in English and Spanish because we want to make sure we include all of our neighbors that want to Save Elm Thicket.
While we're discussing the City of Dallas community meeting concerning the proposed zoning changes, don't forget that the meeting is scheduled for next Saturday, Aug. 21, 2021 at 10 a.m. This will be a virtual meeting but for senior citizens or those without internet access, you can go to the KB Polk Recreation Center and watch the meeting live and provide your input. If you want to attend the meeting from your home then the access code to the meeting is:
Don't forget to get your t-shirt orders in so you can wear your "Save Elm Thicket" t-shirt to the meeting. The contact information for the two incredible neighborhood entrepreneurs are:
L&M Creations
Sonya Ransom
Let's see, what else. We have a really good number of additional zoning changes we plan to ask our City Plan Commissioner to add on top of the changes proposed by the steering committee. The developers/builders who live in our neighborhood are intent on dividing Elm Thicket/Northpark and do not believe we have a right to voice our support and love for Elm Thicket/Northpark. Look at the emails from the Update on Aug. 11, 2021. They're renaming the part of Elm Thicket/Northpark, north of University Blvd., the stupid name of Inwood Park or Inwood Park West.
Please show up to the meeting on Saturday and tell the city WE ARE ALL Elm Thicket/Northpark and we want all the zoning changes along with the ones we're proposing because it's time for all of us to stand and be heard:
Elm Thicket/Northpark is the Name of our Neighborhood
Save Elm Thicket had an interesting request from a builder/developer that claims to work in our neighborhood and provided an address on Cowan. The developer told Save Elm Thicket that the homes located north of University are considered to be in the neighborhood realtors have named Inwood Park. They said the homes south of University Boulevard are Elm Thicket.
This developer went on to send us four conditions they want us to consider. So they post that they are against the removal of all property rights but in the meantime are offering up the property rights they say they're against removing. Does that make sense to you?
The developers say that those of us who are in favor of the proposed zoning changes are dividing the neighborhood when you can read with your own eyes that they have literally divided Elm Thicket/Northpark in half using University Blvd as the dividing line.|
Save Elm Thicket replied back letting them know that we are all Elm Thicket/Northpark. Always have been. Always will be.
Save Elm Thicket T-Shirts and Additional Zoning Proposal Requests
Two talented Elm Thicket/Northpark entrepreneurs are making “Save Elm Thicket” t-shirts. Tori Johnson with L&M Creations and Sonya Ransom are the two talented neighbors making t-shirts for our cause. Please contact one of them to get your order in now. They are working together and will be charging the same price for the shirts. They have access to our logo or we’re sure they can do something special for you. The contact information for each lady is:
L&M Creations
Sonya Ransom
Additional Zoning Requests - Great Response and Input!
Thank you for the incredible response to the additional zoning changes we are seeking. Many of you made some good points so we will add them to the list. We think that will bring us up to a total of six or seven other items depending on how we write it up. Again, what we'd be asking for is in addition to what the authorized hearing steering committee recommended. Once we have it written out we will notify everyone so we can all be on the same page. This is how Elm Thicket/Northpark comes together to have a voice in how the neighborhood we love looks for generations to come. In the meantime, if there are any other changes you'd like for the city to consider please email us at
We need to make it loud and clear that we all want to #saveelmthicket
City Sets Community Meeting to Discuss Proposed Zoning Changes
The long awaited community meeting being held by the City of Dallas. Be sure to mark your calendars for:
Proposed Zoning Community Meeting
Saturday, Aug. 21, 2021
10 a.m.
Via videoconference
We are going to need a strong turnout for this meeting. Start talking with your neighbors now. The neighborhood association is trying to arrange with the city for them to open the rec center and set up a video feed so those who do not have internet can come, watch, and participate in the meeting.
During the part of the meeting where we get to speak, we need everyone who wants to Save Elm Thicket to say they are IN FAVOR of the proposed zoning changes and that we also want four additional zoning requirements on any new homes built in Elm Thicket. Please check your emails for details on what the four additional requirements are that we will asking for from the city.
We need to make it loud and clear that we all want to #saveelmthicket
Save Elm Thicket Group Meeting Next Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021 at K.B. Polk Recreation Center
We have all been busy this week. Thank you to everyone who put a Save Elm Thicket sign in their yard, made donations, and made sure our seniors got a sign. Thank you.
Now it's time for us to get together and discuss the next steps we will be taking as a group. We are meeting on Thursday, Aug. 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at KB Polk Recreation Center. If you have not had time to get involved yet, your opportunity is coming.
The Save Elm Thicket staff is coming up with our next plan of attack and we want to share it with you.
A united Elm Thicket/Northpark is an unstoppable Elm Thicket/Northpark.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at See you Thursday!
Elm Thicket/Northpark Churches All In Favor of Proposed Zoning
All of the Elm Thicket/Northpark churches are In Favor of the proposed zoning changes. Here are some of the churches displaying their support with our signs. A united Elm Thicket/Northpark is an unstoppable Elm Thicket/Northpark.
If you'd like a sign please, reach out to us at
Next Yard Sign Order to Arrive Tuesday, Aug. 3, 2021
Since the demand is still high for the Save Elm Thicket yard signs, our next order arrives at the beginning of next week. If you would like a yard sign to show support for preserving the character and history of our neighborhood, please send us an email at
We are asking for a minimum $5 donation so we can continue purchasing signs until everyone who wants one, has one. Thank you to everyone that has donated toward the purchase of these yard signs. Our volunteers have been replacing our small signs with our large signs and then putting those small signs in the yards of people who have no sign. That is how Elm Thicket/Northpark neighbors take care of each other. That is how we will #saveelmthicket
A united Elm Thicket/Northpark is an unstoppable Elm Thicket/Northpark.
If you'd like a sign please, reach out to us at
Save Elm Thicket Group Meeting Next Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021 at K.B. Polk Recreation Center
We have all been busy this week. Thank you to everyone who put a Save Elm Thicket sign in their yard, made donations, and made sure our seniors got a sign. Thank you.
Now it's time for us to get together and discuss the next steps we will be taking as a group. We are meeting on Thursday, Aug. 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at KB Polk Recreation Center. If you have not had time to get involved yet, your opportunity is coming.
The Save Elm Thicket staff is coming up with our next plan of attack and we want to share it with you.
A united Elm Thicket/Northpark is an unstoppable Elm Thicket/Northpark.
If you have any questions, please reach out to us at See you Thursday!
More Save Elm Thicket Signs Being Ordered! Reserve Yours Today!
Elm Thicket neighbor Diane Johnson distributed Save Elm Thicket yard signs on Saturday and educated neighbors on the upcoming zoning fight to limit the height and roof style of new homes being built as well limiting the lot coverage of new two-story homes.
If you would like a sign for your yard, please email and reserve yours today. We are asking for a minimum $5 donation so we can continue to purchase signs. Our goal is to get a sign in the yard of every neighbor who wants one.
Save Elm Thicket/Northpark
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